07 72 12 12 43 contact@blacktiger.tech

No performance, no data

No techno, no business

When you understand Data, you know that it is mainly a technological subject.

powered by Advanced iFrame. Get the Pro version on CodeCanyon.

powered by Advanced iFrame. Get the Pro version on CodeCanyon.

Cutting-edge technologies

The latest Big Data technologies, mostly open source, are used in the Black Tiger platform.

Data what?

A complete data warehouse and data stack, the solution natively covers all the needs related to Big Data.

Unlimited performance

The number, volume and heterogeneity of the data used by the platform are never an obstacle to its use.

This is the Master Data Platform of Black Tiger:

"A dream, this Stack!"


Too good to be true?

powered by Advanced iFrame. Get the Pro version on CodeCanyon.

powered by Advanced iFrame. Get the Pro version on CodeCanyon.

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