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The Master Data Platform

For Tech Frontiers Opener

"Manage and monitor data processing from A to Z, at the best possible cost". 

- Henri Nijdam, director of Nouvel Economiste -

A to Z Data Lifecycle FULL STACK dedicated to BIG DATA FOUNDATIONS

Choose your approach

The technological approach
pure geek

The business approach
forbids geeks


No more 'Shit in, Shit out'

"Shit in, Shit out". Everyone says it, everyone knows it and still everyone deals with it. Everyone but you, that's why you're here.

Virtual Agnostic DBMS

Our hybrid engine will allow you to use any type of DBMS to store your data at the same time: its metadata layer will allow you to exploit its engines directly, simply and efficiently.


Some divide, some unify…

Quote from the movie « Les Tontons Flingueurs »

It is obvious to you that data can be managed as a whole and that the technical, organisational, political and budgetary comfort of 'silos' is a retrograde illusion.

No performance, no data

As you know, technological performance is the driving force behind the digital natives

Image Power and Performance Black Tiger

If you're looking for a CDP, you're a step behind...

Just as we moved from the Blackberry to the iPhone, it is time to move on from the Customer Data Platform to something else...

GDPR compliance for real

You want to be truly compliant.

For you and your customers.

Because you have understood the matter.

Cloud Tiger-customer-data-platform-black-tiger

Public Cloud: tired of a nightmare deployment?

My stack HOW I want it, WHERE I want it, WHEN I want it.

BLACK TIGER - Key Figures

years of experience in data

employees in 4 countries

customers worldwide

The Tiger accompanies them

Black Tiger, let's talk about it


The Master Data Platform

All the technological bricks mentioned below, as a rule, you have equipped yourself with all or part of them. You are busy assembling them and maintaining them in a coherent way.

And that's a real effort.

Now, between us, and frankly, are you able to produce the results you want?


Big Data Set

Data Integration

Data Quality

Data Stewardship

Data Cataloging

GDPR compliance

Data Lineage

Data Warehouse

Data Lake




The Black Tiger Platform is dedicated to organizations that are looking for a simple and efficient way to access, integrate, govern and deliver data without wasting time.

For a real result.

" Data analysis is key for us. We need to be able to perform extractions at any time to have analyses quickly, which is what the Black Tiger platform allows us to do. Honda's job is not to process data but to manufacture products!"

F. R.
Motorcycle Division Manager - Honda France


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powered by Advanced iFrame. Get the Pro version on CodeCanyon.

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