Smart data, Anne-Tania Desmettre, Cyber incidents are on the rise. Global insurance and reinsurance brokerage giant Aon listed 3,718 worldwide in the first half of 2019. This number of cyber incidents is already above the levels of the...
Smart data, Anne-Tania Desmettre, A car leasing specialist has abandoned an ERP project on SAP because it was not adapted to rapid technological changes. A failure costing nearly $100 million. How does a...
Smart data, Anne-Tania Desmettre, "Business investment in digital transformation is increasing. Despite this increase, the ambitions of such a transformation are challenged by the exploitation of data. One of the...
Smart data, Anne-Tania Desmettre, Over the past 18 months, the management of personal data security issues has been altered by anonymization projects. This technique aims to prevent the identification of a data in an irreversible way. It consists in...
Smart data, Anne-Tania Desmettre, Data is a tedious, laborious subject; in short, anything but sexy, and yet there are so many fantasies surrounding it. Let's start with the definition of the word fantasy: "idea, imaginary representation suggested by the unconscious" ....
Smart data, Anne-Tania Desmettre, Press articles exposing banks' non-compliance with RGPD are numerous. It is difficult to understand that so many banks are not in compliance with the RGPD three years after its implementation.