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Only 10% of the data volume is used in the enterprise... This would mean that 90% of the decisions are made on only 10% of the data volume used.


And with 70% of data volume exploited, would the same decisions be made?

Companies have everything they need to make the right decisions: they have key information about their own market, their customers, their businesses, their competitors, their costs...

All of this information, properly processed, would obviously provide management with solutions to crucial company issues (growth, cost optimization, innovation, restructuring, repositioning, evolution, etc.). Problems that are still the focus of all consulting firms today, whereas the skills and information are in fact available internally in the companies.


Who else knows your company better than you? The issue is not who analyzes the company, but rather how it is analyzed and from what...


That a company boss in 2022 is not directly involved in the project allowing the exploitation of all his data?

That the different business and technical departments try to understand this global enterprise subject when they have only partial views, understandings and different objectives of it?


Teams do what they can with what they have and what they are.

The exploitation of data is above all a technological business, which cannot be understood without a perfect expertise of data.


This topic is a Management topic no matter what you say and therefore is dealt with by the latter and...Black Tiger 😉.

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