Smart data, Anne-Tania Desmettre, "Business investment in digital transformation is increasing. Despite this increase, the ambitions of such a transformation are challenged by the exploitation of data. One of the...
Smart data, Anne-Tania Desmettre, Over the past 18 months, the management of personal data security issues has been altered by anonymization projects. This technique aims to prevent the identification of a data in an irreversible way. It consists in...
Smart data, Anne-Tania Desmettre, Data is a tedious, laborious subject; in short, anything but sexy, and yet there are so many fantasies surrounding it. Let's start with the definition of the word fantasy: "idea, imaginary representation suggested by the unconscious" ....
Smart data, Anne-Tania Desmettre, Press articles exposing banks' non-compliance with RGPD are numerous. It is difficult to understand that so many banks are not in compliance with the RGPD three years after its implementation.